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ANTON NEWSPAPERS: Omega-3s At Every Meal

Stefani Sassos

Heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids are an important part of a healthy diet. In my most recent article for Anton Newspapers, I talk about incorporating Omega-3s into every meal. These simple tips and tricks can start you on the right path to living a heart-healthy life.


Have you heard of omega-3 fatty acids? These are essential fats that we must get from food; the human body cannot make this particular type of fatty acid. Omega-3s play a special role in cell membranes, hormone regulation and inflammation. They even bind to receptors in cells that regulate genetic function.

Omega-3s have been studied in depth; research has shown that they can help prevent heart disease, stroke and even play a protective role in cancer. The beneficial relationship between omega-3s and heart disease has the strongest evidence, including its effect on lowering blood pressure and heart rate.

Seafood rich in omega-3s includes salmon, fresh tuna and halibut. Incorporating fresh fish into your family dinner meals is always a great idea. I like to take advantage of ordering seafood when I dine out, as it is typically prepared in a lighter way than other entrees. Grilled salmon or lightly seared tuna is an excellent entrée option that is packed with omega-3s and heart-healthy benefits.

Omega-3s are known to be found in fish, however they are abundant in other foods as well. There are various plant-based omega-3 foods that include certain oils, nuts, seeds and beans. For example, walnuts, ground flaxseeds and chia seeds are known for their high omega-3 content. I love to add chopped walnuts and ground flaxseeds to cereal, yogurt or even salads for a nutritious boost. Chia seed pudding makes for a delicious healthy dessert, and you can find countless recipes for this on Pinterest.

There are also many foods that are fortified with omega-3s; these include eggs, milk and yogurt. These foods can be incorporated into your diet as snacks, such as a yogurt parfait or glass of.......

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