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  • Stefani Sassos

Running Interval Workout

About a year ago, I took a running class with my boyfriend at a local fitness studio. The class incorporated interval training. As a fitness instructor, I always incorporate HIIT (high intensity interval training) and different intensities in my spin classes. However, for as long as I have done this, I have constantly kept the same static running routine!

Whenever I go for a run, I typically run the same route for the same distance at the same speed the entire time. My heart-rate is slightly elevated, but is well maintained at the same intensity throughout my running workout.

When we took this interval class, it completly changed my perspective on running! Incorporating periods of sprints, high intensity intervals, and variety truly enhances my running workouts.

Below is a sample running interval workout that I like to do when I workout. Give it a try, or let it spark some running inspiration for you!

  • Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes of walking, light jogging, and dynamic stretching (butt kicks, leg swings, high knees)

  • Sprint for 30 seconds, then light jog 30 seconds

  • Sprint for 1 minute, then light jog for 1 minute

  • Sprint for 2 minutes, then light jog for 2 minutes

  • Sprint for 30 seconds, then light jog for 30 seconds

  • Sprint for 1 minute, then light jog for 30 seconds

  • Sprint for 2 minutes, then light jog for 30 seconds

  • Sprint for 30 seconds, then light jog for 30 seconds

  • Sprint for 1 minute, then light jog for 1 minute

  • Sprint for 2 minutes, then light jog for 2 minutes

  • Sprint for 3 minutes

  • Cooldown: 10 minutes of walking, static stretching and light yoga



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